
Dental Implants in Carmel

dental implants in CarmelMissing teeth can make it difficult for you to eat, speak, and smile confidently. At Simply Smile, we can restore your oral health and function, as well as enhance your smile using reliable dental implants. Our skilled Carmel implant dentist and team are committed to providing a positive experience when you visit our practice.

We actively listen to your needs, address your concerns, and do everything possible to meet your smile goals. Whether you have one or several missing teeth, our dental implants are an effective replacement solution. Contact us today for quality dental implants in Carmel.


How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jaw to replace missing tooth roots. The titanium posts fuse with the jawbone and create a firm foundation for restorations, like dental crowns, dentures, or bridges.

The artificial teeth connect to the implants via an abutment. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement options that replace both the root and crown. They also help prevent bone loss in the jaw because the prosthetic teeth continue to stimulate the jawbone through the post.

Our Dental Implant Services in Carmel

We begin all our dental implant procedures by assessing your overall oral health. The evaluation helps our Carmel implant dentist establish your dental needs and your eligibility for the treatment. If our dental team confirms that you're a candidate for implants, we begin the process by discussing what to expect during the procedure so that you're always informed about your treatment options. When you're ready to commit to dental implant placement, our friendly staff will help you schedule your appointments. We also utilize CBCT scans and computer-guided surgery to improve the efficiency and success of your dental implant procedure.

You can expect the following implant options when you visit our practice.

Implant-Supported Crowns: We recommend implant-supported dental crowns to replace an individual tooth. Our team is also able to offer implant-supported CEREC same-day crowns if you qualify.

Implant-Supported Bridges: The dental bridges rest on dental implants instead of adjoining teeth. You can replace up to three missing teeth in a row with a dental bridge.

Implant-Supported Dentures: Implant-supported dentures are more stable and secure than traditional dentures. We use partial dentures when you have few teeth remaining and complete dentures to replace an entire set of teeth.

All-on-4®: This innovative technique replaces an entire arch of missing teeth with just four implants. All-on-4 requires a thorough examination of your jaws and gums to ensure you qualify.

We perform treatments you may need before receiving your dental implants, including tooth extraction. Sedation is also available to help you relax and maximize your comfort during your treatment. We can provide nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation to help ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

It's important that your oral health is in good shape prior to receiving dental implants. If you have gum disease or severe tooth decay, we work with you to treat them before getting dental implants to create a healthy foundation for your new teeth. This also helps prevent future oral health complications. You should also have an adequate jawbone to support the implants for stability.

Bone Grafts and Sinus Lifts to Prepare for Dental Implants

Carmel implant dentistIf you have insufficient jawbone to support dental implants, you don't have to worry. Our team can perform bone grafts and sinus lifts to boost the density of your jawbone. A bone graft places a specific amount of bone tissue on the affected area to facilitate bone regeneration.

Similarly, a sinus lift surgically introduces bone tissue on the back of your upper jaw near the sinuses. Once your jawbone develops to the appropriate size and volume, we can begin your implant placement procedure to restore your smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are the teeth replacement solution closest to natural teeth. Below are some of the benefits you may enjoy when you choose dental implants in Carmel to replace your missing teeth.

  • They feel, function, and look like natural teeth
  • Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, thus promoting bone health and preventing bone loss
  • Dental implants maintain your facial structure and help you look more youthful
  • Implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss
  • Dental implants enhance your smile aesthetics and boost your confidence
  • They prevent existing teeth from shifting

FAQs about Dental Implants

At Simply Smile, we understand that you'll have questions regarding your oral health and especially when a procedure is recommended. Here are some commonly asked questions about dental implants.

How long does the dental implant procedure take?

The duration of your treatment will depend on the number of missing teeth and the condition of your oral health. The surgery takes a few hours, and healing time varies between three to six months.

Dental implants are easy to care for and maintain since they look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Take care of your implants as you would your natural teeth by brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Also, go for regular check-ups and maintain a healthy diet for optimal oral health. Lastly, avoid destructive habits like using your teeth as a tool which can damage your restorations.

Dental implants fuse with the jawbone permanently and can last a lifetime with proper care. However, restorations such as crowns and bridges are susceptible to damage, and you may have to replace them over time.

Restore Your Smile with Quality Dental Implants in Carmel

You don’t have to live with the effects of tooth loss for the rest of your life. Our team at Simply Smile is here to help you reach your smile goals. You can trust us to always work in your best interests. Contact us today for an appointment with our Carmel implant dentist and start your journey to a functional, healthy, and beautiful smile!

