
Professional Teeth Whitening in Carmel

teeth whitening in Carmel, INA brilliant smile can lift your self-confidence and help you create a great first impression. At Simply Smile, we offer professional teeth whitening treatments to help you achieve the bright smile you can't wait to show off. Our practice offers in-office and take-home teeth whitening solutions that give you noticeable results. We focus on providing the friendly and compassionate dental care you can rely on.

If you're looking for teeth whitening in Camel, our team has the skills and expertise you can trust to deliver the best results possible. Our teeth bleaching services are effective in removing surface stains that have been accumulating for years, restoring the beauty of your natural smile. Get in touch with our office today to schedule your appointment!


What Causes Teeth Staining?

Enamel stains have numerous causes. Some foods and drinks can stain your teeth, and several biological factors such as the transparency of your tooth enamel could also cause discoloration. Some causes of tooth stains are beyond simple cleaning or bleaching, but surface stains can be removed by our friendly team. Below is a list of some of the causes of discolored teeth that teeth whitening can address:

  • Food and drinks such as coffee, tea, dark sodas, red wine, and tomato sauce
  • Tobacco use (both cigarettes and chewing tobacco)
  • Poor dental hygiene, such as irregular brushing or flossing

What Is Professional Teeth Whitening?

Our professional teeth whitening involves treatments designed to brighten and enhance your smile's aesthetics. We use professional-grade bleaching solutions to eliminate stains and surface discoloration from your teeth. Our dental professionals provide various options in our office as well as take-home kits for you to use in the comfort of your home. Our goal is to give you choices and help you determine which option is best for your unique situation and preference.

Teeth Whitening Options to Improve Your Smile

Our Carmel teeth whitening treatments begin with a consultation with our friendly dentist, who will ensure you're thoroughly informed of the various teeth whitening options and how to apply them properly. It's crucial that you follow all our guidelines to achieve the best possible results. Our full line of teeth whitening services include:

In-Office Teeth Whitening Solutions

When you need immediate results, we offer in-office teeth whitening treatment to get you ready for that important event. We use the KöR® whitening system to deliver excellent brightening results on stubborn discoloration. Our in-office teeth whitening treatment typically takes about 45-60 minutes with three 15-minute sessions. You can receive in-office whitening paired with a take-home kit or as a stand-alone service, whichever you prefer.

At Simply Smile, we strive to provide innovative and convenient teeth whitening solutions that you can use in the comfort of your home. We offer a KöR® take-home whitening system that uses custom-made whitening trays to consistently delivers noticeable results.

Our dentist will first take impressions of your teeth to design your trays for effective treatment that whitens evenly across your entire smile. Once your custom-fit trays are ready, you'll be able to apply the whitening gel more directly to your teeth. With these take-home trays, you'll be able to whiten your teeth comfortably at your pace or perform touch-ups before a major event, like a wedding or a job interview.

We also provide Opalescence kits designed to noticeably whiten your teeth in 7-10 days! These kits use form-fitting trays designed to fit comfortably to a wide range of smiles, and you'll be able to pick them up right away without the wait time of customized trays.

These trays pair the strength of professional whitening with affordability and convenience, making them a popular choice for many patients looking for a simple and effective way to brighten their smile for important moments. The amount of time you'll wear them will depend on the percentage of hydrogen peroxide used. After three days, we can evaluate the results and the sensitivity and adjust accordingly.

Rejuvenating Your Smile With Professional Teeth Whitening

Regardless of the teeth whitening option you choose, we strive to provide teeth bleaching treatments that are effective and ideal for meeting your goals. We also have refills available to help you maintain your brighter smile when you need it.

If you're looking for professional teeth whitening treatments that will meet your cosmetic needs safely, conveniently, and efficiently, Simply Smile has you covered. Whether you prefer a quick and effective process at our dental office or to whiten your teeth at home on your schedule, you'll find what you need at our friendly modern practice. Contact our office today and get started on brightening your smile!

